
Friday, January 17, 2025



We were made to believe that happiness is about pleasing others..
We were made to believe that loneliness is bad..
We were made to believe that the opposite of love is hate..
We were made to believe that we are imperfect beings, and that because of this, we live with guilt, lack and fear...
We were made to believe that before we can love ourselves, we must love material things more..
We were made to believe that resignation and submission are a thing of love..
We were made to believe that life only makes sense if you find your soul mate, a being who thinks and acts exactly like you...
We were made to believe that when you love, you suffer...
We were made to believe that prosperity is not for everyone..
We were made to believe that if you love yourself, you are a selfish being and you will be alone..
They made us believe that the data in which consumerism is the true demonstration of love..
They made us believe that the truth is on a screen and that reasoning is useless..
We were made to believe that after death there is a heaven or a hell with a final judgment, which ends in an eternal reward or punishment forever...
They made us believe that diseases are hereditary, genetic or contagious and that only pharmaceutical medicine can cure them...
They made us believe that religious and political leaders are needed and we must support them..
We were made to believe that if you think and get out of a structure, a system, you are crazy or weird..
We were made to believe that our inner power is just fairy tales and that intuition is pure fantasy..
They made us believe that we are enemies and they set us against each other so that we don't all turn against them..
They made us believe so many things, that when you realize so much lying, so much manipulation, then you wake up and start to be free, your reality becoming very different from most."
Source: Lauren Rose & Martha Tania

"The strong are not loved. They are inconvenient. They are hard to manipulate.

 "The strong are not loved. They are inconvenient. They are hard to manipulate.

The strong know how they feel, know their rights and are not willing to give them up. They know how to be happy in spite of everything.
They have strong roots.
It's not easy to destroy their principles, their dignity, their self-confidence.
They can hold on to any truth, the blows of fate, storms and one's emotions.
They are not afraid of pain, they have already been through their own personal hell and know how to turn wounds into wisdom, they know how to enjoy life, keeping beauty and gentleness in their hearts.
They don't wander in other people's streets, they don't exchange happiness, they don't beg for love.
Living honestly, the strong evolve.
Each of them carries a personal cross without letting it fall on the shoulders of others.
When they err and fall, they get up... learning a lesson from the fall, instead of blaming someone else.
The strong know how to walk away, forever.
Don't test their endurance!!!"

Translated with (free version)

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Adevarul cotidian - Jurnal de stiri: THE WAYSEER MANIFESTO - Manifestul Celor care vad ...

Adevarul cotidian - Jurnal de stiri: THE WAYSEER MANIFESTO - Manifestul Celor care vad ...: Wayseers Manifesto  – Manifestul Celor care vad Calea ATENTIE: CATRE TOTI CEI CARE I...


,,On the surface of this world right now there is war and violence and things seem dark.
But calm and quiet, at the same time, something else is happening underground.
An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called to a higher light.
It is a silent revolution. From the inside out. From the earth to the sky.
This is a global operation. A spiritual conspiracy. There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet.
You will not see us on TV.
You will not read about us in the newspaper.
You will not hear about us on the radio.
We seek no glory.
We wear no uniform.
We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles.
Most of us work anonymously.
We work quietly behind the scenes, in every country and culture of the world.
Cities big and small, mountains and valleys, on farms and villages, tribes and remote islands.
You could pass one of us on the street and not even notice us.
We go undercover.
We stay behind the scenes.
We don't care who takes the final credit,
We just want the job done.
Every now and then we see each other on the street. We give a quiet nod and continue on our way.
During the day, many of us pretend to have normal jobs
But behind the false window, night is where the real work happens.
Some call us the Conscious Army.
We are slowly creating a new world with the power of our minds and hearts.
We watch, with passion and joy.
Our orders come from the Central Spiritual Intelligence.
We drop secret love bombs, when no one is looking, Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Movies ~ Kind Words ~ Smiles ~ Meditation and Prayer ~ Dance ~ Social Activism ~ Websites, Blogs ~ Random Acts of Kindness...Releasing grudges, letting go of judgments...
We each express ourselves in our own unique ways with our own unique gifts and talents.
Be the change you want to see in the world!!
This is the motto that fills our hearts.
We know that it is the only way real transformation happens.
We know that in silence and humility we have the power of all the oceans put together.
Our work is slow and meticulous
Like the formation of mountains. It is not even visible at first glance and yet with it entire tectonic plates will be moved in the centuries to come.
Love is the new religion of the 21st century!!
You don't have to be a highly educated person or have exceptional knowledge to understand it. It comes from the intelligence of the heart, embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings.
No one else can do it for you.
We are recruiting now.
Maybe you will join us or you have already.
Everyone is welcome.
The door is open..."
Takeover: Carmen Mariana Gherman
Brian Piergrossi


,,La suprafața acestei lumii acum există război și violență iar lucrurile par întunecate.
Dar calm și liniștit, în același timp, altceva se întâmplă în subteran.
Are loc o revoluție interioară iar anumite persoane  sunt chemate la o lumină superioară.
Este o revoluție tăcută. Din interior spre exterior. De la pământ spre cer.
Aceasta este o operațiune globală. O conspirație spirituală. Există celule adormite în fiecare națiune de pe planetă.
Nu ne vei vedea la TV.
Nu vei citi despre noi în ziar.
Nu vei auzi de noi la radio.
Nu căutăm nici o glorie.
Nu purtăm nicio uniformă.
Venim în toate formele și dimensiunile, culorile și stilurile.
Majoritatea dintre noi lucrăm anonim.
Lucrăm în liniște în culise, în fiecare țară și cultură a lumii.
Orașe mari și mici, munți și văi, în ferme și sate, triburi și insule îndepărtate.
Ai putea trece pe lângă unul dintre noi pe stradă și nici măcar să nu ne observi.
Mergem sub acoperire.
Rămânem în culise.
Nu ne interesează cine ia creditul final,
Doar pur și simplu ca munca să fie gata.
Din când în când ne vedem unul pe altul pe stradă. Dăm un semn liniștit din cap și ne continuăm drumul.
În timpul zilei, mulți dintre noi pretindem că avem locuri de muncă normale
Dar în spatele vitrinei false, noaptea este locul în care munca adevărată are loc.
Unii ne numesc Armata Conștientă.
Creăm încet o lume nouă cu puterea minții și a inimilor noastre.
Urmărim, cu pasiune și bucurie .
Ordinele noastre vin de la Inteligența Spirituală Centrală.
Aruncăm bombe de dragoste secrete, când nimeni nu se uită, Poezii ~ Îmbrățișări ~ Muzică ~ Fotografie ~ Filme ~ Cuvinte amabile ~ Zâmbete ~ Meditație și rugăciune ~ Dans ~ Activism social ~ Site-uri web, Bloguri ~ Acte aleatorii de bunătate...Eliberarea ranchiuniilor, renunțarea la judecăți...
Fiecare ne exprimăm în felurile noastre unice cu propriile noastre daruri și talente unice.
Fii schimbarea pe care vrei să o vezi în lume!!
Acesta este motto-ul care ne umple inimile.
Știm că este singurul mod în care are loc transformarea reală.
Știm că în liniște și cu umilință avem puterea tuturor oceanelor la un loc.
Munca noastră este lentă și meticuloasă
Precum formarea munților. Nici măcar nu se vede la prima vedere și totuși cu ea plăci tectonice întregi vor fi mutate în secolele următoare.
Iubirea este noua religie a secolului XXI!!
Nu trebuie să fii o persoană foarte educată sau să ai  cunoștințe excepționale pentru a o înțelege.Vine din inteligența inimii, încorporată în pulsul evolutiv atemporal al tuturor ființelor umane.
Nimeni altcineva nu o poate face pentru tine.
Acum recrutăm.
Poate ni te vei alătura sau ai făcut-o deja.
Toti sunt bine veniti.
Ușa e deschisă..."
Preluare: Carmen Mariana Gherman
Brian Piergrossi