Change our perception, change our Reality..
In spirituality there is the concept that our life here is an experience we choose so we can grow our souls and that good and evil is necessary to serve this purpose but don't you think that if we choose our experience then that would mean we are existing in higher realms and if we choose to come to the 3d that would be choosing to exist in lower frequency energies. If we already exist is higher planes of consciousness then everything that can be learned here we already would know being we are coming from a place of higher consciousness. I have been enlightened to the fact that this isn't a place for us to grow it's simply a plane of existence that we have all created to simply experience the aspects of our higher selves such as love, compassion, joy and peace in physical form. But we aren't the only beings capable of this lower frequency beings found a way to occupy this realm also and have took advantage of the fact that we are loving and compassionate to establish systems of control to serve their experience and take away from this realms original purpose. It's all about perception if we view this place as a school then we allow room for lower frequency energies to exist. If we perceive that we created this place out of love to experience love then we remove the space we have created for evil to exist. When your subconscious accepts that evil is necessary here then it becomes part of this reality. Choosing to accept beliefs or ideology that suggest that low frequency energies are needed is what keeps them a part of our reality. We all enter this world as high frequency beings and submitting to low frequency energies is what causes our spirits to be sucked into lower realms of energy, hell. We are taught that we are ego ( worldly) and this belief results in a lowering of our frequency and we become what we believe we are. We must believe we are and be the high frequency beings we came into this world as in order to change this reality. It's all mind and if we collectively release mindsets that accept that evil is a necessary component of our experience then we can strip away the grip that it has on our realities.
- Joseph Keel
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